Understanding the WatchMon - Telemetry - Cell Info data table
Administrative screen providing telemetry for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields shown for each cell.
Navigate to this screen via the Telemetry option on the Menu then choosing the Cell Info tab.
Used to review the individual cellmon configuration and telemetry records. Columns can be sorted to help identify trends.
Field Definitions
ID: Individual CellMon identifier.
Status: Current status of the CellMon.
MinV: Current minimum cell voltage reading.
MaxV: Current maximum cell voltage reading.
MaxT: Current maximum cell temperature (Celsius).
BypC: Current bypass sensor temperature (Celsius).
BypA: Current bypass current (Amp).
USN: Universal serial number (tick) to monitor traffic and detect missed messages.
LoL: Low voltage alert threshold configuration.
HiL: High voltage alert threshold configuration.
BypVL: Voltage threshold configuration to bypass/bleed current.
BypAl: Maximum bypass current (amp) threshold configuration.
BypTl: Maximum bypass temperature (Celsius) configuration.
HiCell: Maximum cell temperature alert (Celsius) configuration.
VCalOff: Cell voltage calibration offset.
Reset: Number of reset events of CellMon.
ErrC: Number of corrupt messages received on CellMon.
HwVers: Hardware version describing model of CellMon.
SerialNo: Unique serial number of CellMon.
BypSessAh: Accumulated bypass current mAh for today session for each individual CellMon.
BypLifeAh: Accumulated bypass current for the lifetime of the individual CellMon.
InitialBypDate: First event for today's session when the cellmon goes above the initial bypass current.
BasicRxTime: Recent time received about the cell status and readings (voltage, temp, current).
FullRxTme: Recent time received on the detail configuration, status, identifiers and metrics of the CellMon.