Understanding the WatchMon - Telemetry - Daily Session

Administrative screen providing telemetry for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields shown for the daily session.

Navigate to this screen via the  Telemetry option on the Menu then choosing the Daily Session tab. 


Used to monitor the progressive conditions for today, at the end of each day this will be logged into the session history.

Field Definitions 

Cell Volt: The minimum and maximum cell voltage recorded in today's elapsed session.

Supply Volt:   The minimum and maximum supply voltage recorded in today's elapsed session.

Shunt SoC:   The minimum and maximum shunt state of charge recorded in today's elapsed session.

Shunt Volt:   The minimum and maximum shunt voltage recorded in today's elapsed session.

Temperature:  The minimum and maximum temperature recorded in today's elapsed session.

Peak Current:  Highest current for charge and discharge recorded in today's elapsed session.

Cumulative:  Number of Ah charge and discharge recorded in today's elapsed session.

Critical Events: The number of events or warnings that have been recorded in today's elapsed session.

Start Event:  Start time of today's session.

Finish Event:  End time of today's session.

Banding Elapsed hours

The top row of values A- H are Voltage bands.  The above information has 2 hours at >90% charge and 8 hours at 0-10% charge.

The bottom row is the temperature bands.  In this case it says 9 hours in the 18-26 degree range.

Session Reset: Ability to reset the limits for today, only available when in technician mode.

Status RX: Flashes as status telemetry is received (hover over will display time received).

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