TROUBLESHOOTING: Status Icons of the WatchMon Toolkit

A number of key status states can be found in the bottom left corner of the Toolkit application, when hovering over the icon a text explanation is available. If you click the icon this will navigate to the screen to resolve or investigate the issue.

Individual status icons and the relevant meanings:

No Connection - Application is not linked to WatchMon supervisor.
Heart-beat blinking - Confirms that the system is linked to WatchMon Supervisor.
Wifi connection link via Wifi.

USB connection link via USB

Discharge - Normal  System is OK to discharge at normal/high power mode.
Discharge - Limp System is in limited power for over discharge mode.
Discharge - Off System has disabled discharging.
Charge- Normal  System is OK to recharge at normal/high power mode.
Charge- Limp System is in limited power mode to suit bypass balancing.
Charge- Off System has disabled charging.
Charge- Complete state has reached fully charged and in idle full mode.
Critical Fault - System has disabled battery Isolator/Contactor.
Heating On - Control for heating has been triggered.
Cooling On- Control for cooling has been triggered
New Software Available - For download and upgrade
New Firmware Available - For hardware device / modules found in the system.
USB Powered - Supervisor with 5V supply from USB no supply pins
Auto Balance - Running from cell Extra Bypass Mode.
Toolkit Logging - Running from software app.
Pending collection of system settings 
Configuration Synchronisation Task required - Device Sync needed
Bypass Testing - Has not been verified
Charge Heat Relief - Has been evoked.  trigger charging to be paused until bypass cool down.
Setup Wizard - Has not been run on this supervisor.
Network Test - Cellmon Network needs to be verified
Configuration wizard has not been finalised.
Low Supervisor Voltage - Has been reported (critical supply)  typically less than 9V
Firmware update -  Firmware mismatch Firmware should be updated
Read Only - Mode from the supervisor.  May be due to firmware mismatch 
High Temperature Alert - from cell monitors
High Voltage Alert - from cell monitors
Low Voltage Alert - from cell monitors
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