Understanding the WatchMon - Hardware configuration - CellMon settings
Administrative screen for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields available to configure the hardware CellMon CMU (Cell Monitoring Unit) settings.
his screen is accessed via the Hardware option on the Menu, then choosing the CellMon tab. Editing only available when in Technician mode.
In edit mode:
- Select the chemistry of the battery.
- Type of CellMon modules used.
- Number of CellMons used (hence range 1..x).
- Save.
- Sync the CellMon devices.
Field Definitions
Batt Type: specifies the type of battery being monitored. Preset values are applied to Lo Cell Voltage, Nom. Cell Voltage, Bypass Voltage and Hi Cell Voltage. When selecting custom the relevant fields can be changed.
Lo Cell Voltage (CV2): Cell voltage alert will flash RED led if below on CellMon.
Nom. Cell Volt (CV7): Nominal Cell Voltage for battery chemistry, info only.
Bypass Volt (CV9): Bypass Cell Voltage, when above will bypass/bleed power from the cell.
Hi Cell Voltage (CV11): Cell voltage alert will flash RED led when above on CellMon.
Lo Cell Celcius: Cell temperature alert when below will flash RED led on CellMon (Deprecated).
Hi Cell Celcius (CT8): Cell temperature alert when above will flash RED led on CellMon.
CellMon Type: Specifies the type of CellMon hardware module used. Presets values for Bypass Current Limit, Bypass Temp Limit and Bypass Impedance. When custom is selected the values can be adjusted but this should only be used for decentralised systems.
Bypass Current Limit: The maximum current the the CellMon will bypass/bleed to hold the cell voltage to the threshold
Bypass Temp Limit: The maximum temperature that the CellMon will operate ensuring they do not go over whilst holding the voltage threshold.
Bypass Impedance: Typically used for the 8W modules, however, 2W version available for small capacity cells (only suitable for less than 10Ah).
Bypass Extra Mode: Options for Bypass behaviour, Idle Shunt, Same Cell Voltage or Auto Level.
WARNING: Extra Bypass Mode should not be used with LiFePO4 batteries and should not be left on permanently. This may shorten the life of your cell monitors
Has Slave: on/off switch. Enables range to be set for first and last node ID
First Node ID: First node in range, when has a slave allows entire range beyond the slave.
Last Node ID: Last node in range, when has a slave allowed entire range beyond the slave.
Dif Nominal: ON/OFF switch. Enables nominal series to be different from range assigned, used when multiple battery strings are paralleled.
Nom Series: Target number of CellMon CMU devices to monitor each battery pack
Poller Mode: The current polling CellMon function that is operating.
Poller Mode: The current polling CellMon function that is operating.
Status: Latest readings of the cells status.
Low Volt: Latest readings received from CellMon traffic.
High Volt: Latest readings received from CellMon traffic.
Low Temp: Latest readings received from CellMon traffic.
High Temp: Latest readings received from CellMon traffic.
Status RX: Flashes as status telemetry is received (hover over will display time received).
Setup RX: Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).
Action button / process link events
Network Tester: Used to test CellMon communication path for breaks in the chain, each CellMon red/green led will be ON (Where there is a break in the chain the next CellMon module will be OFF). Only available when in Technician mode.
Device Sync: Process to update/sync the CellMon modules to the specified configuration. Bypass Voltage being the key field that will enable the module to bleed/bypass power automatically. Only available when in Technician mode.
Bypass Tester: Process to manually test each CellMon can function properly and capable of bypassing/bleeding power when required in Automatic mode. Only available when in Technician mode.
Device LED Identifier: Process to test the LEDs light up correctly.
Edit - This button opens fields to editing, only available when in Technician mode.
Undo: Restores values to last saved values and returns to read only mode.
Save: Saves values into system and return to read only mode. This only works when connected by a USB. If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.
Default: Restore values to default for CellMon settings.
Advanced: Allows editing of more advanced fields.
Support Tip: Pressing this button calls up the knowledge base on this screen.