Understanding the WatchMon - Hardware configuration - Shunt SoC% settings
Administrative screen for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields available to configure the hardware Shunt State of Charge settings.
Navigate to this screen via the Hardware option on the Menu then choosing the Shunt tab. Editing only available when in Technician mode.
In Edit mode:
- Specify the battery capacity Ah.
- Save.
Field Definitions
Type: The type of shunt used can be selected. ShuntMon2 500A 650V 50uOhm is the one that comes with starter kits. The shunt simulator allows testing without a shunt.
Nominal Capacity: Nominal capacity in Ah.
Reverse orientation: ON/OFF switch regarding the orientation of the batteries, this can be enabled when the current reading needs to be swapped due to the physical orientation of the shunt not allowing the typical wiring path. When enabled this will allow the reading to show as discharging when they would have previously been showing as charging.
Idle Current Threshold - Charge: Low Threshold for idle current when charging, only available in advanced mode.
Idle Current Threshold - Discharge: Low Threshold for idle current when discharging, only available in advanced mode.
Re-Calibrate in Bypass: ON/OFF to allow reset of SoC% to Full if going into Bypass. Only available in advanced mode.
Re-Calibrate Low SoC: ON/OFF to allow reset the State of Charge back to empty (0%) if it goes below this value. Only available in advanced mode.
Re-Calibrate Hi SoC: ON/OFF to allow reset the State of Charge back to full(100%) if it goes above this value. Only available in advanced mode.
Empty SoC% cycle threshold: Threshold of State of Charge that when goes below and returns to full will count towards a discharge cycle. Only available in advanced mode.
Full SoC% cycle threshold: Threshold for State of Charge that when goes above from empty threshold will count towards a discharge cycle. Only available in advanced mode.
Voltage: Current shunt sensor reading for Voltage.
Current: Current shunt sensor reading for Current.
Power: Current shunt sensor reading for Power.
State of Charge: Current state of charge.
Celcius: Current shunt sensor reading for Temperature.
Serial Number: Serial number of Shunt module.
Ticks: Communication activity with shunt module related to RX / TX traffic.
Recent Consumption: Recent Nett position in Ah. Seen also in Metrics.
Daily Session Total: Daily charge and Discharge amounts in Ah.
Daily e-Meter: Daily power usage in kWh.
Capacity Remaining: Capacity till Full and Empty.
Time Remaining: Duration at current levels till full or empty.
Status RX: Flashes as status telemetry is received (hover over will display time received).
Setup RX: Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).
Action button / process link events
Metrics SoC%
Nominal Capacity: This is the initial guess/estimate of the capacity
Accumulation Counter: This counts Ah going in and out of the Shunt. Capacity is the last number of Ah between full and empty.
State of Charge: You can change the current SoC%
SoC Cycles: This is the number of cycles completed since startup
Full: Pressing sets the current state to full
Empty: Pressing sets the current state to empty
Extra Parameters: This adds filters to smooth the SoC readings
Registers: Brings up Registers dialog. Many of the items available using the Metrics button can be accessed here too.
Volt Ratio, Current Ratio, Energy Ratio, Thermal Ratio, Power Ratio, Consume Ratio are measurements relating to the specific shuntmon
Accumulation: Nett position of Accumulation Counter.
Capacity: Capacity of Accumulation Counter
Serial Number: Serial number of Shunt module.
Manufacture Code: Manufacture Code of Watchmon.
Part Number: Part Number.
Version Code: Version Code of firmware.
Edit - This button opens fields to editing, only available when in Technician mode.
Undo: Restores values to last saved values and returns to read only mode.
Save: Saves values into system and returns to read only mode. This only works when connected by a USB. If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.
Default: Restore values to default for Shunt SoC% settings.
Pressing the Edit button will make the options UNDO - SAVE - DEFAULT - ADVANCED and METRICS buttons available. Fields showing in blue are editable,
Support Tip: Pressing this button calls up the knowledge base on this screen.