Understanding the WatchMon - Hardware Configuration - System Settings

Administrative screen for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields available to configure the hardware system settings.

Navigate to the screen via the Hardware Menu option and choosing the System tab.  Editing is only available when in 'Technician' mode.


In Edit Mode:

  1. Name the system so easy to find on the network.
  2. Save.
  3. Sync the clock.

Field Definitions


System ID:  Number identifier of the system, only editable in 'Advanced' mode.

System Code:  Short code given to the system (length 7 chars). 

System Name:  Name given to the system (length 19 chars).

Asset Code:  Asset number given to the system (length 19 chars). 

Hub:  Hub identifier, used for clusters of multiple supervisors, only editable in 'Advanced' mode.


Preset Version:  Preset number of the connected supervisor.

Hardware Version: Hardware version of the connected supervisor.

Firmware Version:  Firmware version of the connected supervisor.

Software Version: Software version currently being used.

Serial Number:  Serial number of the WatchMon supervisor.

Session Logging

Allow Quick Log:  ON/OFF Switch to turn on quick logging.

Quick Log Interval:  Frequency of Logging for session logging.


Allow TechAuth:  ON/OFF Switch to allow Technician Authority.

Authorisation:  Current level of authority,


Operating State: Current operating state of the WatchMon

Startup Time:  Time recorded when the WatchMon supervisor was last powered up.

Device Time:  Current clock time from WatchMon supervisor.

Computer Time:  Current clock time on computer.

Status RX: Flashes as status telemetry is received (hover over will display time received).

Setup RX: Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).

Action button / process link events

Time Sync:  Process to synchronise the clock in the WatchMon supervisor to the computer time.

Factory Reset:  Process to reset the WatchMon supervisor back to factory settings, the Shunt and Lifetime metrics need to be reset separately.

Reboot System:  Process to restart the WatchMon supervisor. This should be done with care as peripheral  equipment  may  experience  disruption  when the system resumes.

Modify AuthKey:  Process to modify software.

Hardware Admin:  Admin features with appropriate authorisation.

Edit:  This button opens up fields to editing, only available when in 'Technician' mode.

Undo:  Restores values to last saved values and returns to read only mode.

Save:  Saves values into system and returns to read only mode.  This only works when connected by a USB.  If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.

Default:  Generate a new system ID code and restore values to default for System settings.

Advanced:  Allows editing of more advanced fields.

Features:  Batrium use only.

Pressing the  Edit button will make the options UNDO - SAVE - DEFAULT and ADVANCED buttons available and make the System Code, System Name and Asset Code editable.

  Support Tip:  Pressing this button calls up the knowledge base on this screen.

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