How to Modify the Technician Pin Code
This screen is accessed via the Menu on the Hardware option, then choose System tab.
Press Modify AuthKey.
Note: These options are only available when, Not in Edit Mode on the System Screen.
You will need to know the existing Pin Code or Authorisation Key to change it.
The PIN Code is a unique 6 digit number you will find on the back side of your WatchMon4 hardware.
The PIN Code number will be requested to give you permission to make modifications to the hardware settings and also requested to connect your WatchMon4 hardware via Wifi for the first time.
If you change it make sure you make a record of it somewhere safe and DO NOT LOSE THIS PIN CODE.
By default, we have enabled this security feature, this can be disabled if you wish via the system hardware setup screen, however we don't recommend this practise unless you are OK with others making changes without authorisation.
In this example, the PIN Code is 987654
WatchMon4 + Expansion Board
The PIN Code is on both the back of the din rail mount and inside on the back of the PCB.
On the back with a label