Understanding Tools - CellMon voltage calibrator
Only available to the cell monitors - LongMon, Blockmon, LeafMon distributed monitors.
Will only offset the existing reported voltage in 10mV increments
WARNING: We do not advise using this except if advised by Batrium overriding our calibration may make the cell monitor worse.
- Step 1 - Select Cell ID
- Step 2 - Specify the measured voltage that will be reported in future
- Step 3 - Sync device which will update the cellmon offset with the revised value and resume normal monitoring
Maximum positive offset allowed 20mV
Maximum negative offset allowed -20mV
Minimum number or readings that the voltage has the same reading repeated before being allow to run the calibration routine
Logs files are stored at "My Docs / Batrium / Reports / CellMonCal_[SystemCode].txt"