RELEASE: BmsSuite 0.9.32
In this release, published on 15 April 2015
Software Installer can be downloaded here
New Features
- CellMon Calibrator tool to enable self re-calibration of voltage within battery pack.
- Simplify the entry of the First and Last identifiers on configuration screens.
- Improve Status Icons and redirect to the relevant screens when clicked.
- Includes Network Local / Remote column on System selector.
- Hardware "match" process on Advanced CellMon setup reports correct outcome.
- Hardware "match" process on Advanced Charging setup reports correct outcome.
- In Service Centre add link to online support portal from internal help "?" button.
- Charging Tester tool to pre-select channel if possible.
- In Service Centre configuration settings files exclude defaults fields from xml and update version info when application starts
- In Service Centre improve startup rendering of the System selector.