MultiMon MM8 Install -WatchMon Toolkit

Well done.  Now we are ready to expand our WatchMonPlus (WM5) with a MultiMon 8

What can I do with a MultiMon (MM8) that I can't do with a WatchMonPlus

  1. MM8 allows you to expand your system with multi-string so you may add extra banks of batteries to your WatchMonPlus as satellites, allowing the doubling/tripling or more of your battery banks.
  2. MM8 allows you to expand your system into a higher voltage.  Do you want 96 V or more?  


  • Each WatchMonPlus or MM8 should be a discreet bank of batteries not e.g. 2 x 24 V  ALL cell monitors on same WatchMonPlus or MM8 need to belong to the same bank. 
  • Always test the battery wiring using the provided TestMon before plugging in the WatchMonPlus or MM8  
  • Only plug one WatchMonPlus or MM8 at a time to the PC/computer.  
  • MM8 requires 12V power once setup is complete (e.g. power pack not powered off the battery)

Setup the MM8

Unbox the product.  

Note, this is equivalent to the WatchMonPlus, minus the shunt, outputs and expansion connection.  These functions are on the WatchMonPlus Master and therefore not needed on an MM8 Satellite.

  1. Setup WatchMonPlus Master if not already setup (see WatchMonPlus method) Use
  2. Plug MM8 into computer with USB  (CANbus, Power or Battery SHOULD NOT BE PLUGGED INTO THE MM8 FOR THIS)
  3. Update firmware
  4. Go to Hardware - then, CellMon page and press Edit and update as required.                                                                   

The areas inside the Red boxes (below) need changes.

or MM8
  • CellMon Type = MultiMon
  • 'Has Satellite' is OFF as it is the Satellite system
  • You need to pick and assign the cell numbers for your MM8,  
  • Note if WatchMonPlus is 1-14 then the first MM8 may be 15-28, the second MM8 may be 29-42, etc, etc

5.  Go to Hardware, then Integration page to set up CANbus

  • Press Edit and set CANbus to "Reserved 37" for MM8
  • Press default (Note base address and group address update)
  • Base address:  Identifies the device on the CANbus network
  • Remote address: Talks to the inverter master (only applicable for WatchMonPlus Master)
  • Group address:  Identifies the group and matches WatchMonPlus to Satellite MM8
  • Turn off wi-fi
  • Press Save

Note: System/Shunt/Expansion and any control logic do not need to be changed as they are inherited from their WMPlus Master.

Unplug this MM8 and repeat steps above for any extra MM8's that are needed.

Now it is time to let your WatchMonPlus work with it's Mates.

Setup Changes to WMPlus needed for MM8

  1. Plug WatchMonPlus Master into computer with USB  (Canbus, Power, Battery SHOULD NOT BE PLUGGED IN FOR THIS)
  2. Update firmware, if required
  3. Go to Hardware, then CellMon page and press Edit and update as required                                                                            

The areas in the Red boxes (below) need changes.

  • CellMon Type = WatchMonPlus (WM5)
  • 'Has Satellite' is ON as WatchMonPlus is the Master
  • You need to pick and assign the cell numbers for your WatchMonPlus Master
    • Group Range is the range for this device so 1-12, 1-14, 1-15 whichever is appropriate
    • Entire Range covers the WatchMonPlus and the MM8, meaning if each bank is 15 and there are 2 banks (i.e. with 1 MM8) then the Entire range is 1-30
    • ALL cell monitors on same WatchMonPlus or MM8 need to be on the same bank
  • Dif Nominal and Nom Series are about Multi-string  For example if you want 2 x 48V banks they would have Dif Nominal set to ON and the number of cell monitors in each bank as the Nominal series

5.  Go to the Hardware, then Integration page to setup CANbus

  • Press Edit and set CANbus to "Native" for WatchMonPlus Master
  • Press default (Note: base address and group address update)
  • Base address:  identifies the device on the CANbus network
  • Remote address: talks to the inverter master (Only applicable for WMPlus Master)
  • Group address:  Identifies the group and matches WatchMonPlus to it's Satellite 
  • Press Save
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