WatchMonPlus (WM5) Parallel vs Multistring

WatchMonPlus (WM5) allows connection to OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) batteries with in-built balancing wires (shared looms), Tesla, Fiat, Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf, just to name a few.  

Below is an example for a Tesla battery using TestMon to check Voltage and how many are wired up in series.

When you have more than two modules it is possible to parallel the individual wires, hence creating modules.    

Caution should be exercised in doing this and get professional help if you are unsure of what you are doing.

Our preferred method is wiring without paralleling but know that it can be done and has been done successfully although with the balancing power of the WatchMonPlus (WM5) and extra complexity putting too many in parallel is definitely not recommended.

To solve this issue and allow multi-string with WatchMonPlus (WM5) we are building a satellite module MultiMon 8 to add extra cell monitoring at a reasonable price.

See the typical wiring diagrams in related articles.

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