How to verify that the WatchMon software is the latest release

There is an automated method to verify that the software is on the latest release. Once a day when WatchMonToolkit is started it will verify that the software is up to date. If a new release is available the status icon in the bottom left will be visible, when clicked this will take you direct to the update screen.

To upgrade to the latest release will require user authorisation and will follow the typical installation procedure.

Alternative you can complete the following steps to verify and update the software if required

Step 1 - Navigate to Tool menu 

Step 2 - Navigate to Software Update check

  Step 3 - If the software is up to date and connected to the internet

NB: The software checked can be repeated by pressing the Verify button

Step 4 - If a newer version is available the following will be seen.

Step 5 - Read about what is in the next release, link on the support documentation

Step 6 - Download the latest new installer, this will proceed to transfer the file to the download folder ready for installation.

Step 7 - Prior to installation its recommended to save a copy of the configuration

Step 8 - Launch the installer and close the existing local running instance(s)

Step 9 - Follow the typically software install upgrade procedures


How to install the WatchMon Toolkit software

Updater Options

To disable the daily startup verification can be modified in the User Preferences. to adjust change the field "Disable startup check" from the category "Software Verification"

To adopt the beta release rather than production stable release can be selected when required to install the preview installer.

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