SETUP: Simplified WatchMon4 / WatchMonCORE with IsoMon Starting Guide
NOTE: This is the everything working first time approach to setting up your system.
1. Check all items ordered are present
Typical starter kit contains
1 x CellMon (for WatchMon4) or IsoMon3 (for WatchMonCORE) with cable and pluggable connector
3. Install the USB driver SOFTWARE: USB Driver for WatchMon
4. Plug in the WatchMon via USB cable (batteries, SoC sensor, power etc should not be plugged in at this point)
5. Connect to the WatchMon Initially connecting to a WatchMon
6 Running the Wizard setup to define your system - This details what will be connected.
7. Wire up your batteries to CellMon or IsoMon (LongMons, BlockMons and LeafMons get their power from the battery it is monitoring so when wiring up should light up green for a few seconds.)
TROUBLESHOOTING: LED Indicators on each CellMon
8. Plug in CellMon or IsoMon to the WatchMon and test the network for continuity Verifying the Cell monitors for faults using Network Tester. If issues track down the problem in the network
9. Synchronising the Cell monitors using Device Sync. This checks that the battery pack matches your setup and downloads the limits and knowledge of the entire pack to the cell monitors.
NOTE: This step needs to be done after every change to the system setup to ensure the cell monitors know their place and targets.
10. Testing Cell monitors balancing resistors with Bypass Tester This checks the system under stress and the balancing function. If Sync passes but this fails then it is usually a loose cable or connection, look to see connections tight, not rusty and cables in good repair.
11. How to connect the Shuntmon2 to Watchmon supervisor
12. Connecting Inverter charger via Integration settings
13. Powering the WatchMon
Note that for battery packs 8-65V you can use your pack to supply the WatchMon. Outside of this range use a 12V battery.
For High Voltage Battery Pack Systems Best to Adopt a Fully Isolated DC-DC to Provide a Supply Voltage of either 12v or 24v Depending on Application.
- Built-in 8v to 65v DC-DC supply (non isolated)
- Consumes ~1.7W with WiFi enabled (typical 48v battery budget 1Ah / day)
14. Connecting Peripherals via Expansion settings this includes fans, heaters, buzzers, circuit breakers, contactors etc.
Controlling a FAN from WatchMonCORE Onboard Relay
- Mechanical relay Max 30Vdc 5A
- Labelled as Relay A
- User defined function
Controlling a FAN from WatchMonCORE Expansion Board-E3 using a Relay
- Up to 3 Mechanical relay Max 30Vdc 5A
- Labelled as Relay 1, 2, and 3
- User defined function
Controlling a FAN from WatchMonCORE Expansion Board-E3 using a Solid State Relay SSR
- Up to 3 Solid State Relay SSR 3 to 65Vdc 5A (1 way disconnect)
- Labelled as SSR 5, 6, and 7
- User defined function(s)
Sensing Switch Signal from WatchMonCORE Expansion Board-E3 using a Opto-Isolated Input
15. Switching to Wifi if needed. Connecting to home Wifi Access Point